Afet | Limon (Bocas del Toro) Earthquake, Costa Rica, 22/04/1991 |
Endüstriyel Tesis | Refinadora Costarricense de Petroleo S.A. (RECOPE), Costa Rica |
Epicentral Distance | 34.254 km |
Hypocentral (Focal) Distance | 35.684 km |
Modified Mercalli | Very Strong |
Medvedev-Sponheuer-Karnik | Very strong |
European Macroseismic | Damaging |
Instrumental Intensity | 6.7212 |
Peak Ground Acceleration | 23.362 %g (0.2336 g) |
Horizontal Peak Ground Acceleration | 85.174 cm/s2 (0.08685 g) |
Peak Ground Velocity | 18.263 cm/s |
Referanslar | Cooper, T. W., "A study of the performance of petroleum storage tanks during earthquakes, 1933-1995", 1997 |
Notlar | See Section 1.2, page 2. |
Erişim | Genel |
Risk Değerlendirmesi | Doğal Afetler | Endüstriyel Tesisler | Bilimsel | Kullanıcılar |