Hasar Sınıflandırması

AdHAZUS (2010) - Storage Tank
Afet TürüEarthquake
Tesis Ünitesi TürüStorage Tank

Damage states for water storage tanks.


No damage.


Minor damage without loss of content or functionality. Minor damage to the tank roof due to water sloshing, minor cracks in concrete tanks, or localized wrinkles in steel tanks.


Considerable damage, but only minor loss of content. Elephant foot buckling for steel tanks without loss of content, or moderate cracking of concrete tanks with minor loss of content.


Severe damage and going out of service. Elephant foot buckling for steel tanks with loss of content, stretching of bars for wood tanks, or shearing of wall for concrete tanks.


Collapse and loss of all content.

ReferanslarFEMA, "HAZUS-MH MR5 Technical Manual - Earthquake Model", 2010
Yaratılma: Serkan GIRGIN, 02/08/2011 15:59:23 – Güncelleme: Serkan GIRGIN, 01/03/2016 14:21:14

Risk Durumları

NoHasar DurumuSenaryo ParametreleriGeçerlilik Koşulları
1.DS1 (None)LOC State: None--
2.DS2 (Slight/Minor)LOC State: Minor--
3.DS3 (Moderate)LOC State: Moderate--
4.DS4 (Extensive)LOC State: Major--
5.DS5 (Complete)LOC State: Catastrophic--

Kırılganlık Eğrileri

NoAdParametreBirimGeçerlilik Koşulları
1.HAZUS (2010) - Near Full, AnchoredPGAgBase Type: On-ground; Base Support Type: Anchored; Construction Material: Steel; Storage Condition: Atmospheric; Fill Percent: > 80 %vlog μ̃4-
2.HAZUS (2010) - Near Full, UnanchoredPGAgBase Type: On-ground; Base Support Type: Unanchored; Construction Material: Steel; Storage Condition: Atmospheric; Fill Percent: > 80 %vlog μ̃4-
3.Eidinger et al. (2001) - Fill ≥ 50%, AnchoredPGAgBase Type: On-ground; Base Support Type: Anchored; Construction Material: Steel; Storage Condition: Atmospheric; Fill Percent: > 50 %vlog μ̃41
4.Eidinger et al. (2001) - Fill ≥ 50%, UnanchoredPGAgBase Type: On-ground; Base Support Type: Unanchored; Construction Material: Steel; Storage Condition: Atmospheric; Fill Percent: > 50 %vlog μ̃41
5.Eidinger et al. (2001) - Fill ≥ 50%PGAgBase Type: On-ground; Construction Material: Steel; Storage Condition: Atmospheric; Fill Percent: > 50 %vlog μ̃42
6.Eidinger et al. (2001) - Fill ≥ 60%PGAgBase Type: On-ground; Construction Material: Steel; Storage Condition: Atmospheric; Fill Percent: > 60 %vlog μ̃43
7.Eidinger et al. (2001) - Fill ≥ 90%PGAgBase Type: On-ground; Construction Material: Steel; Storage Condition: Atmospheric; Fill Percent: > 90 %vlog μ̃44
8.Eidinger et al. (2001)PGAgBase Type: On-ground; Construction Material: Steel; Storage Condition: Atmosphericlog μ̃4-
9.Eidinger et al. (2001) - Fill < 50%PGAgBase Type: On-ground; Construction Material: Steel; Storage Condition: Atmospheric; Fill Percent: < 50 %vlog μ̃22

Risk Değerlendirmesi

Doğal Afetler

Endüstriyel Tesisler

