Hazard | Tōhoku (Great East Japan) Earthquake, Japan, 2011/03/11 |
Industrial Plant | Shin Minato LNG Terminal, Japan |
Epicentral Distance | 117.79 km |
Hypocentral (Focal) Distance | 121.3 km |
Modified Mercalli | Destructive |
Medvedev-Sponheuer-Karnik | Damaging |
European Macroseismic | Heavily damaging |
Instrumental Intensity | 8.3487 |
Peak Ground Acceleration | 102.05 %g (1.0205 g) |
Horizontal Peak Ground Acceleration | 217.36 cm/s2 (0.2216 g) |
Peak Ground Velocity | 54.281 cm/s |
Spectral Acceleration (0.3 s period, 5% damping) | 114.35 %g (1.1435 g) |
Spectral Acceleration (1.0 s period, 5% damping) | 63.097 %g (0.631 g) |
Spectral Acceleration (3.0 s period, 5% damping) | 8.2716 %g (0.08272 g) |
References | Krausmann, E.; Cruz, A. M., "Natech accidents following the Great Eastern Japan earthquake and tsunami", 2012 |
Access | Public |
Risk Assessment | Natural Hazards | Industrial Plants | Scientific | Users |