Property Estimator

NameADAM endpoint distance calculation: VHL release
PropertyADAM Endpoint Distance
$WSInputData = array( 
   "filmBoiling"         =>  false,
   "curveTypeRequired"      =>  2,
   "flowIndex"          =>  1,
   "option"          =>  22,
   "rainout_Instantaneous"    =>  0,
   "dispersionInput"      =>  1,
   "vesselThickness"      =>  0.0,
   "smDcorrelation"      =>  0,
   "cdLiquid"          =>  0.61,
   "cd"            =>  0.88,
   "cutoffVelocity"      =>  0,
   "rainout_Continuous"    =>  0,
   "eqState"          =>  2,
   "ipotn"            =>  0,
   "droplet_distribution"    =>  0,
   "aRR"            =>  0.422,
   "bRR"            =>  5.32,
   "ClassStabilityType"    =>  0,
   "ALAValue"          =>  0,
   "fireSegment"        =>  0,
   "dispersionSegment"      =>  1,
   "massCalculationModel"    =>  1,
   "sig_droplets"        =>  1.4,
   "segmentNumber"        =>  5,
   "roughnessModel"      =>  0,
   "poolEvaporationModel"    =>  0,
   "poolSpreadingModel"    =>  0,
   "cutOffType"        =>  1,
   "PoolRoughness"        =>  [RNR:mm],
   //Defailt values (maybe we will change in the future)
   "ag"            =>  [AG:W/m.K],
   "kg"            =>  [KG:m2/s],
   "nearReleaseRoughness"    =>  [RNR:mm],
   "terrainRoughness"      =>  [SR:mm],
   "height"          =>  [Ht:m],
   "averageTime"        =>  [tr:s],
   "cutOffValue"        =>  3600.0,
   "epsilon"          =>  0.045,
   "tAmb"            =>  [TA:K],
   "WindSpeed"          =>  [u:m/s],
   "Pamb"            =>  [PA:bar],
   "WindHRef"          =>  10.0,
   "irradiation"        =>  [RadS:W/m2], //We will set it later
   "humidity"          =>  [HA:%],
   "tGround"          =>  [Tgr:K],
   "pasquillIndex"        =>  0, //We will set it later
   //Input values
   "substanceID"        =>  [S_ID],
   "ph0"            =>  0, //We will set it later if needed
   "t0"            =>  [TST:K],
   "flagSatP"          =>  0, //We will set it later if needed
   "ruptureType"        =>  0, //We will set it later
   "phenomenology"        =>  0, //We will set it later
   "fireType"          =>  0, //We will set it later
   "bundAreaValue"        =>  [AD:m2],
   "bundArea"          =>  false,
   "filling"          =>  [FL:%v],
   "substanceQuantity"      =>  [QFL:kg],
   "substanceVolume"      =>  [VFL:m3],
   "vesselGeometry"      =>  1, //We will set it later
   "hVessel"          =>  8, //We will set it later
   "dVessel"          =>  [D:m],
   "vesselHeightFromGround"  =>  [H_Ground:m],
   "heightRelease"        =>  [hh:m],
   "topVenting"        =>  false,
   "downwardVenting"      =>  false,
   "holeDiameter"        =>  [Dh:mm],
   "dPipe"            =>  0,
   "lPipe"            =>  0,
   "borePipeRupture"      =>  false,
   "autoCD"          =>  1,
   "calculationTime"      =>  [tr:min],
   "numContours"        =>  1,
   "damageEndpointValue"    =>  [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], //We wil set it later
   "Explosion" => [
    "Reactivity" => 1,//0 original
    "Obstacles" => 0,//1 original
    "Expansion" => 0,//1  original
    "GroundCorrection" => 1,//1 original
    "ExplosionModel" => 1,
    "ExplosionEfficiency" => 3,
    "UseUFL" => true
  if ([AST] == "PV")
   $WSInputData["flowIndex"] = 0;
  else if ([AST] == "AV")
   $WSInputData["flowIndex"] = 1;
  else if ([AST] == "TV")
   $WSInputData["flowIndex"] = 2;
  if (([STC] == "P") || ([STC] == "PG") || ([STC] == "PR")){
   $WSInputData["ph0"] = [Pg:bar];
   $WSInputData ["hVessel"] = 0;
   $WSInputData ["dVessel"] = 0;
  else { 
   $WSInputData["ph0"] = 0;
   if ([STC] == "GLP")
  $WSInputData["flagSatP"] = 1;
  if ([vGeo] == "VC")
   $WSInputData["vesselGeometry"] = 1;
  else if ([vGeo] == "HC")
   $WSInputData["vesselGeometry"] = 2;
  else if ([vGeo] == "S")
   $WSInputData["vesselGeometry"] = 3;
  if ([vGeo] == "VC")
   $WSInputData["hVessel"] = [h:m]; 
  if ([vGeo]=="HC")
   $WSInputData["hVessel"] = [L:m];
  else if ([vGeo] == "S")
   $WSInputData["hVessel"] = 0;
  if ([RpT] == "VHL")
   $WSInputData["ruptureType"] = 0;
  else if ([RpT] == "PHR")
   $WSInputData["ruptureType"] = 1;
  else if ([RpT] == "CR")
   $WSInputData["ruptureType"] = 2;
  if ([EF] == "PF"){
   $WSInputData["phenomenology"] = 2;
   $WSInputData["fireType"] = 1;
   $WSInputData["damageEndpointValue"] = [[eqR:kW/m2], 0, 0, 0, 0];
  else if ([EF] == "JF"){
   $WSInputData["phenomenology"] = 2;
   $WSInputData["fireType"] = 2;
   $WSInputData["damageEndpointValue"] = [[eqR:kW/m2], 0, 0, 0, 0];
  else if ([EF] == "VCF"){
   $WSInputData["phenomenology"] = 2;
   $WSInputData["fireType"] = 0;
   $WSInputData["damageEndpointValue"] = [10000 * [LFL:%v], 0, 0, 0, 0];
  else if ([EF] == "BL"){
   $WSInputData["phenomenology"] = 2;
   $WSInputData["fireType"] = 3;
   $WSInputData["damageEndpointValue"] = [[eqR:kW/m2], 0, 0, 0, 0];
  else if ([EF] == "VCE"){
   $WSInputData["phenomenology"] = 1;
   $WSInputData["fireType"] = -1;
   $WSInputData["damageEndpointValue"] = [[ePd:bar], 0, 0, 0, 0];
  else if ([EF] == "NF"){
   $WSInputData["phenomenology"] = 0;
   $WSInputData["fireType"] = -1;
   $WSInputData["damageEndpointValue"] = [[RMP_TEppm:ppm], 0, 0, 0, 0];
  else if ([EF] == "JF"){
   $WSInputData["phenomenology"] = 2;
   $WSInputData["fireType"] = 2;
   $WSInputData["damageEndpointValue"] = [[eqR:kW/m2], 0, 0, 0, 0];
  if ([AS] == "A"){
   $WSInputData["pasquillIndex"] = 0;
  else if ([AS] == "B"){
   $WSInputData["pasquillIndex"] = 2;
  else if ([AS] == "C"){
   $WSInputData["pasquillIndex"] = 4; 
  else if ([AS] == "D") {
   $WSInputData["pasquillIndex"] = 6; 
  else if ([AS] == "E") {
   $WSInputData["pasquillIndex"] = 7;
  else if ([AS] == "F") {
   $WSInputData["pasquillIndex"] = 8;
  else if ([AS] == "G") {
   $WSInputData["pasquillIndex"] = 9;
  //-------------EXPLOSION PARAMETERS------------------------------//
  if ([RIBST] == "S"){
   $WSInputData["Explosion.Reactivity"] = 0;
  } else if ([RIBST] == "H"){
   $WSInputData["Explosion.Reactivity"] = 1;
  } else if ([RIBST] == "M"){
   $WSInputData["Explosion.Reactivity"] = 2;
  } else if ([RIBST] == "L"){
   $WSInputData["Explosion.Reactivity"] = 3;
  if ([OIBST] == "H"){
   $WSInputData["Explosion.Obstacles"] = 0;
  } else if ([OIBST] == "M"){
   $WSInputData["Explosion.Obstacles"] = 1;
  } else if ([OIBST] == "L"){
   $WSInputData["Explosion.Obstacles"] = 2;
  if ([EIBST] == "2D"){
   $WSInputData["Explosion.Expansion"] = 0;
  } else if ([EIBST] == "2.5D"){
   $WSInputData["Explosion. Expansion"] = 1;
  } else if ([EIBST] == "3D"){
   $WSInputData["Explosion. Expansion"] = 2;
  if ([GBBST] == "A"){
   $WSInputData["Explosion.GroundCorrection"] = 0;
  } else if ([GBBST] == "G"){
   $WSInputData["Explosion.GroundCorrection"] = 1;
 //-----------DATA VALIDATION--------------------------
  if(($WSInputData ["substanceVolume"] != 0) && ($WSInputData 
["substanceQuantity"] != 0)){
   //Substance Quantity set to 0 if Substance Volume is not 0
   $WSInputData ["substanceQuantity"] = 0;
  if($WSInputData ["bundAreaValue"] != 0){
   $WSInputData ["bundArea"] = true;
  //heightRelease (meters) holeDiameter (millimeters)
  if(($WSInputData ["heightRelease"] * 1000) < $WSInputData ["holeDiameter"]){
   $WSInputData ["heightRelease"] = $WSInputData ["holeDiameter"]/1000;
  //The scenario is continuous release and we may need additional parameters. The previous limitations apply
  if(($WSInputData ["hVessel"] != 0) && ($WSInputData ["dVessel"] != 0) && 
($WSInputData ["filling"] != 0)){
  //Substance Quantity and Substance Volume set to 0 if vessel already has diameter, height and filling percent
   $WSInputData ["substanceQuantity"] = 0;
   $WSInputData ["substanceVolume"] = 0;
$pe = new PropertyEstimatorADAM($WSInputData, false);
return $pe->getPropertyEstimatorResponse();
Validity ConditionsADAM mode: On
Created: Amos NECCI, 2021/09/01 07:23:27 – Updated: Amos NECCI, 2021/09/27 17:00:11

Risk Assessment

Natural Hazards

Industrial Plants

