
TitleRisk Management Program Guidance for Offsite Consequence Analysis
AuthorsU.S. EPA
NumberEPA 550-B-99-009
InstitutionU.S. Environmental Protection Agency
PublisherU.S. Environmental Protection Agency

This document provides guidance to the owner or operator of processes covered by the Chemical Accident Prevention Program rule in the analysis of offsite consequences of accidental releases of substances regulated under section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act. This document does not substitute for EPA's regulations, nor is it a regulation itself. Thus, it cannot impose legally binding requirements on EPA, States, or the regulated community, and may not apply to a particular situation based upon the circumstances. This guidance does not constitute final agency action, and EPA may change it in the future, as appropriate.

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Created: Serkan GIRGIN, 2012/08/11 11:11:00 – Updated: Serkan GIRGIN, 2012/08/19 14:30:08

Property Estimators

NoNamePropertyValueValidity Conditions
1.Atmospheric stability for RMP alternative scenarioASNeutralRMP Scenario: Alternative---
2.Atmospheric stability for RMP worst-case scenarioASStableRMP Scenario: Worst-case---
3.Combustion rate for pool fire (TNO method)qcƒ(Tb, TA, ∆Hc0, Apool, ΔvH, cpkg/sSubstance Type: Flammable; Fire/Explosion Event: Pool Fire---
4.Default duration of exposurete40 sFire/Explosion Event: Pool Fire, BLEVE---
5.Default endpoint radiation intensityeqR5000 W/m2Fire/Explosion Event: BLEVE, Jet Fire, Pool Fire-5-
6.Default passive release mitigation factorPRMF0.55 Enclosure: Building; Release State: Gas---
7.Default Radiation Intensity from fireball's Combustion Duration and Thermal Dose.eqRƒ(tcW/m2Fire/Explosion Event: BLEVE---
8.Default radiative fraction of heat of combustionRHc0.4 Fire/Explosion Event: Pool Fire, BLEVE---
9.Default reduced gaseous release rateqgrƒ(qgaskg/min----
10.Density from RMP density factor (DF)dƒ(DFRMPlb/ft3----
11.Distance to 1 psi overpressure for VCE (TNT-equivalency method)edeƒ(fyield, Qfuel, ∆Hc0mSubstance Type: Flammable; VCMmodel: TNT Equivalency; Fire/Explosion Event: Vapor Cloud Explosion; Δp: 1 psi---
12.Distance to endpoint thermal dose for BLEVE (Hymes point-source model)edeƒ(τa, R, ∆Hc0, Qfuel, DT, tcmSubstance Type: Flammable; Fire/Explosion Event: BLEVE---
13.Distance to endpoint thermal dose for pool fire (TNO point model)edeƒ(R, qc, ∆Hc0, τa, qRmSubstance Type: Flammable; Fire/Explosion Event: Pool Fire; Pool Fire Model: Point Source---
14.Distance to lower flammability limit (LFL) from RMP reference table (dense plume)edeƒ(RTRMP, LFL, MW, qgas, reducedmileqgas: > 0 kg/min; RTRMP: Table 28, Table 29---
15.Distance to lower flammability limit (LFL) from RMP reference table (neutrally buoyant plume)edeƒ(LFL, MW, qgas, reduced, RTRMPmileqgas: > 0 kg/min; RTRMP: Table 26, Table 27---
16.Distance to peak overpressure for VCE (TNT-equivalency method)edeƒ(fyield, Qfuel, ∆Hc0, ΔpmSubstance Type: Flammable; VCMmodel: TNT Equivalency; Fire/Explosion Event: Vapor Cloud Explosion; Δp 1 psi---
17.Distance to second-degree burns for pool fire from RMP Pool Fire Factoredeƒ(PFFRMP, ApoolftSubstance Type: Flammable; Fire/Explosion Event: Pool Fire; Pool Fire Model: RMP pool fire model---
18.Duration of fireballtcƒ(QstoredsFire/Explosion Event: BLEVE---
19.Endpoint distance from RMP reference table (neutrally buoyant plume)edeƒ(qgas, reduced, TEPRMP, RTRMPmileqgas: > 0 kg/min; RTRMP: Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, Table 4, Table 14, Table 15, Table 16, Table 17---
20.Endpoint distance from RMP reference table (substance-specific)edeƒ(RTRMP, qgas, reduced, TOPOmileqgas: > 0 kg/min; RTRMP: Table 9, Table 10, Table 11, Table 12, Table 22, Table 23, Table 24, Table 25---
21.Endpoint overpressure for RMP scenariosePdpsiSubstance Type: Flammable; Fire/Explosion Event: Vapor Cloud Explosion---
22.Evaporation rate from poolqeƒ(MW, u, Apool, Pv, TCFRMPg/s----
23.Evaporation rate from pool area, wind speed and RMP liquid factorqeƒ(u, LFRMP, Apoollb/min----
24.Evaporation rate from released quantity and RMP liquid factorqeƒ(Qreleased, u, LFRMP, DFRMPlb/minhpool: 1 cm---
25.Explosion yield factor for RMP alternative scenariofyE0.03 Substance Type: Flammable; RMP Scenario: Alternative---
26.Explosion yield factor for RMP worst-case scenariofyE0.10 Substance Type: Flammable; RMP Scenario: Worst-case; Fire/Explosion Event: Vapor Cloud Explosion---
27.Hymes point-source model for fireballeqRƒ(τa, R, ∆Hc0, Qfuel, deW/m2Fire/Explosion Event: BLEVE---
28.Passive release mitigation factor for evaporation inside buildingPRMF0.1 Enclosure: Building; Release State: Liquid; qevaporation: > 0 kg/min; RMP Scenario: Worst-case---
29.Pool area from released quantity and RMP density factorAPƒ(Qreleased, DFRMPft2Enclosure: , Shed; Release State: Liquid; Qreleased: > 0 kg; hpool: 1 cm---
30.Pool area from released volume, effective dike area and volume, and minimum pool depthAPƒ(Vreleased, Vdike0, hpool, min, Adike0m2Release State: Liquid; Vreleased: > 0 m3-5-
31.Reduced gaseous release rate from gaseous release rate and active release mitigation factorqgrƒ(qgas, fm, activekg/min----
32.Reduced gaseous release rate from gaseous release rate and passive release mitigation factorqgrƒ(qgas, fm, passivekg/min----
33.Reduced gaseous release rate from gaseous release rate, active and passive release mitigation factorsqgrƒ(qgas, fm, active, fm, passivekg/min----
34.Release rate from a hole (liquid)qrƒ(Ahole, DFRMP, hfill, hole, Pglb/minStorage Condition: Pressure, Refrigerated pressure; Storage State: Liquid; Cd: 0.8; Qreleased---
35.Release rate from a hole (liquid)qrƒ(Ahole, Cd, ρ, hfill, hole, Pstorage, PAkg/sStorage State: Liquid; Qreleased---
36.Release rate from a hole (liquid, ambient pressure)qrƒ(Ahole, hfill, hole, LLFRMPlb/minStorage Condition: Atmospheric, Refrigerated atmospheric; Storage State: Liquid; Cd: 0.8; hfill, hole: > 0 m; Qreleased---
37.Release rate from a hole for chocked flow (gas)qrƒ(Ahole, Pstorage, GFRMP, Tstoragelb/minState of Matter: Gas; Storage Condition: Gas under pressure, Pressure, Refrigerated pressure; Qreleased---
38.Release rate from a hole for chocked flow (gas)qrƒ(Cd, Ahole, γ, Pstorage, ρkg/sQreleased---
39.Release rate from a hole for non-chocked flow (gas)qrƒ(Cd, Ahole, Pstorage, ρ, γ, PAkg/sQreleased---
40.Release temperature from ambient and storage temperaturesTrƒ(TA, Tstorage°CStorage Condition:  Refrigerated atmospheric, ---
41.Release temperature from boiling pointTrƒ(Tb°CStorage Condition: Refrigerated atmospheric---
42.RMP density factor from densityRMP_DFƒ(ρft2/lb----
43.RMP flash fraction factor (FFF) equationRMP_FFFƒ(Tb, cp, ΔvH)State of Matter: Gas; Storage Condition: Pressure, Gas liquefied under pressure; Tstorage: 25°C---
44.RMP gas factor (GF) equationRMP_GFƒ(Cd, γ, MW)Cd: 0.8---
45.RMP liquid factor ambient (LFA) equationRMP_LFAƒ(MW, Pv)----
46.RMP liquid factor boiling (LFB) equationRMP_LFBƒ(MW, Tb)----
47.RMP liquid factor from release temperature and RMP liquid factor ambientRMP_LFƒ(LFARMP)Release State: Liquid; Trelease: 25°C---
48.RMP liquid factor from release temperature and RMP liquid factor boilingRMP_LFƒ(Trelease, Tb, LFBRMP)Release State: Liquid---
49.RMP liquid factor from release temperature and RMP liquid factor boilingRMP_LFƒ(LFBRMP)Release State: Liquid; Trelease: > 50°C---
50.RMP liquid factor from release temperature, RMP liquid factor ambient and RMP temperature correction factorRMP_LFƒ(LFARMP, TCFRMP)Release State: Liquid; Trelease: 25–50°C---
51.RMP liquid leak factor (LLF) equationRMP_LLFƒ(Cd, ρ)State of Matter: Liquid; Cd: 0.8---
52.RMP reference table for ammoniaRMP_RTƒ(substance_cas_no, AS)Storage Condition:  Pressure,  Gas liquefied under pressure-2-
53.RMP reference table for ammonia liquefied under pressureRMP_RTƒ(substance_cas_no, AS)Storage Condition: Pressure, Gas liquefied under pressure-3-
54.RMP reference table for chlorineRMP_RTƒ(substance_cas_no, AS)--3-
55.RMP reference table for D stabilityRMP_RTƒ(PT, TOPO, tgas)u: 3 m/s; Atmospheric Stability: Neutral; Fire/Explosion Event: No Fire---
56.RMP reference table for F stabilityRMP_RTƒ(PT, TOPO, tgas)u: 1.5 m/s; Atmospheric Stability: Stable; Fire/Explosion Event: No Fire---
57.RMP reference table for sulfur dioxideRMP_RTƒ(substance_cas_no, AS)----
58.RMP reference table for vapor cloud fireRMP_RTƒ(PT, TOPO)Substance Type: Flammable; Fire/Explosion Event: Vapor Cloud Fire-3-
59.RMP temperature correction factor (TCF) (lookup)RMP_TCFƒ(substance_cas_no, Trelease)Release State: Liquid; Trelease: 25–50°C-3-
60.RMP Worst-case scenario release duration for gaseous substancestr10 minSubstance Type: Toxic; LOC State: ; Release State: Gas; RMP Scenario: Worst-case---
61.Standard RMP temperature correction factor (TCF)RMP_TCF1.0Release State: Liquid; Trelease: 25°C---
62.Thermal dose from duration of exposure and radiation intensityTDƒ(texp, qRTDU----
63.TNO flash fraction equationFFƒ(Tb, cp, ΔvH, TstorageState of Matter: Gas; Storage Condition: Pressure; Storage State: Liquid-1-
64.TNO point-source model for pool fireeqRƒ(R, qc, ∆Hc0, τa, deW/m2Fire/Explosion Event: Pool Fire---
65.Wind speed for RMP alternative scenariou3.0 m/sRMP Scenario: Alternative---
66.Wind speed for RMP worst-case scenariou1.5 m/sRMP Scenario: Worst-case---

Risk Assessment

Natural Hazards

Industrial Plants

